Packing and moving appliances don’t have to be hard if you know what you’re doing. Here, we are going to explore how you can avoid damages when moving appliances to your chosen destination. Follow our advice so that you can enjoy your kitchen again after the relocation!
Disconnect Everything

If you want to avoid damages when moving appliances, you have to protect yourself first!
Before you do anything drastic, you need to disconnect every kitchen appliance you own and plan to move. Messing with kitchen appliances and similar machines connected to the network can be potentially very dangerous, so make sure to unplug everything before you do anything.
Take Out Everything From Your Fridge
Fridges and freezers are some of the most common kitchen appliances around. However, they are some of the hardest to relocate and transport.
Before you unplug them, make sure to take everything out of them and put your food in containers where it can unfreeze.
Try to make something out of the remaining food. No moving company accepts food, liquids, and similar items, so it would be good if you could use up as much as you can.
Unfreeze The Refrigerator and Freezer

You can make something out of leftovers!
After you have removed food and liquids from your freezer and fridge, it is time to unfreeze them both. Make sure to put kitchen towels in and around them to prevent water from destroying your floor. Also, it would be a good idea to put a plastic bin on the base of your fridge and surround it with towels.
Your freezer and fridge have to be perfectly dry before you move them. Water does not mix well with electronics, so make sure to wipe off any excess water to avoid some common problems with kitchen appliances caused by water.
Remove Removable Parts If You Want To Avoid Damages When Moving Appliances
Removing parts that hang and that are not connected well to your kitchen appliances is necessary if you want them to arrive safely at your chosen destination. You risk damaging your kitchen appliances if you don’t remove those parts.
Sure, if you choose a reliable moving company, your appliances should arrive safely in any case. However, there is always a chance that a moving vehicle will find a pothole on the road.
Here are some of the things you need to remove:
- Oven rack, bake tray, and a hidden bake tray from your oven. A hidden bake tray is an element that protects an oven from spills. Also, depending on the oven you are moving, you might want to remove a light bulb.
- Remove any removable part of your refrigerator. Remove door shelves, guard rails, glass covers, and similar things out of your fridge.
- From your dishwasher, you have to remove racks and other removable parts. Also, make sure that you don’t have any leftover detergent in your dishwasher.
- If the turntable in your microwave is removable, remove it.
- Approach the gas range with great care. If you are unsure how to disconnect and disassemble your gas range, call a professional.
- Smaller and simpler kitchen appliances shouldn’t have numerous removable parts. Appliances like toasters, pasta makers, and rice cookers should be reasonably simple to pack and protect.
Clean And Sort Your Kitchen Appliances
After you have removed all the parts from your kitchen appliances, it is time to clean those parts and the appliances themselves.
Protect yourself well with gloves and a mask. You will be dealing with dangerous chemicals, and some of them can significantly harm your body if you are not appropriately protected. Also, make sure to dry everything thoroughly.
Then, you have to sort all of the parts of the kitchen appliances. Use temporary boxes to do that. Write on boxes which parts are for which appliances to avoid confusion.
Wrap the boxes with packing tape or with sticky tape.
Packing Small Items
After all that has been said and done, it is time to pack your kitchen appliances.

You can even put some protective materials inside to lock them into place.
When it comes to packing smaller and simpler kitchen appliances, chances are you already have their original boxes. If you have them, use them. You can even put some protective materials inside to lock them into place.
However, if you don’t have the original packaging for your appliances, you have to find the right way to pack and protect them, but that shouldn’t be too difficult. All you have to do is to find appropriate moving boxes you can fill with protective materials.
When it comes to other packing materials, here’s what you’ll need:
- packing tape
- a marker
- sturdy boxes or plastic bins
- protective materials (you can even use newspapers!)
- sticky tape
When it comes to packing parts of appliances you have removed, make sure to put all the parts of one appliance in one box. Mark that box with a marker to know what goes where.
Packing Large Kitchen Appliances
As we discovered, packing small kitchen appliances is easy. But, packing things like freezers and washing machines is another story. You have to secure those appliances well before you relocate them.
First, you need to get your hands on some wooden dollies and large crates. Make sure to find dollies with lockable wheels.
After that, you have to secure doors. By this, we mean refrigerator doors, washing machine doors, etc. You can secure them with ropes, but before that, make sure to wrap them with packing tape.
Keep in mind that you can always call professionals for help. They’ll quickly and securely pack your huge kitchen appliances for you. You don’t have to do everything on your own!
After The Move
When you arrive at your new home, it is time to unpack all your stuff. Unpack your coffee maker first. You’ll need it!
When you finish your cup of coffee, grab a blade and cut the plastic wrap off of your kitchen appliances, but be very careful not to hurt yourself. Make sure to follow our tips to avoid damages when moving and unpacking appliances. Call a friend, invite them for coffee, and ask them to help you set them up!
Author Bio
James Kenner is a blogger and a consultant for a number of moving companies. He enjoys helping people with their relocation, both personally and through his articles. In his spare time, James loves playing with his three kids and going on long walks with his wife.
[…] house includes moving heavy appliances and all other items such as furniture and moving boxes. Also, as you, your friends, or movers will […]