Having to store your appliances for the short or long term can potentially cause them damage. That is if you don’t take the time to prepare them well. If you want to be able to take your device out of storage and find it in perfect condition, you will have to take some precautions. This is why you need to prepare your appliances for storage properly in order to avoid any issues later on.
The Most Commonly Stored Appliances
Whether you are moving far away or simply want to store your items before moving into your new home, you are not alone. Many have experienced this before you and have come up with the best solutions through endless trial and error. Typically, people will save those more valuable appliances instead of buying new ones after the relocation. Most commonly, these are the refrigerator, washer and dryer, dishwasher, and stove. Naturally, many small appliances will make the cut as well — and why not. Your microwave might be state-of-the-art, or you have a sentimental attachment to the vacuum cleaner. Whatever the case, we have solutions for securing your precious belongings.
Choosing The Right Storage
If you are in the habit of saving those manuals that come with each appliance, they will have instructions on storing them in the best way and avoiding damages when moving appliances. Most commonly, it is advisable to choose a storage unit that is well ventilated and is preferably climate-controlled. If you are storing the appliances in particularly warm or cold climates, this could potentially affect the longevity and functions of your devices. This could also impact the materials and cause the paint to peel off or the plastic to melt in extreme situations.
Deciding What To Keep
In this case, the struggle is most certainly real. You have invested a lot of time and money into your beloved appliances. They are your “babies,” and you want to keep them all and not have to choose. But chances are, some of them might not be worth going through all the trouble for. If some of your appliances are several years old, let them go. You might consider donating them to a family in need. It might also be a good idea to offer them to a friend or a family member that has an even older model. Finally, if your appliances are in good condition, try selling some of them online. You might be pleasantly surprised by how much you manage to make on them and save yourself a major headache. Ultimately, the most valuable appliances and those truly worth saving should make the cut, since transfer and storage could be quite pricey in the long run.
Preparing Your Refrigerator
The refrigerator might be one of the more demanding appliances of the bunch. It will usually include a freezer and an ice maker, complicating things even more during that final preparation. You need to prepare for this well in advance since you will need to follow some steps before you can secure it and move it to a storage unit.
- Remove the food from both the freezer and the fridge. This could be an excellent opportunity to invite some friends and family for a feast in case your fridge and freezer were previously well stocked.
- Defrost a few days before the move.
- Drain all the water—there might be plenty, and it is a slow process, so be patient.
- Clean your refrigerator well. Once it is not performing the cooling function anymore, your fridge is a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria. It can also attract unwanted insects to the storage facility. Yet another nightmare you would undoubtedly want to avoid.
- Finally, secure the doors. Make sure they are taped or tied so they would not open during transportation and get damaged.

Securing the Dishwasher
This appliance is less demanding, but since it is heavily exposed to water and detergent, you will need to prepare it several days ahead as well. It is a good idea to clean the dishwasher before the transfer. This way, you will get rid of any remaining food or detergent left behind. A great idea is to use a vinegar solution instead of your standard cleaning product. Run it on one cleaning cycle. Once you have done this, let it dry thoroughly and ensure you disconnect the hose and dry it as well. After it is completely dry, you can cover it in a wrapping of your choice. Use bubble wrap, blankets, towels, or whatever is at your disposal.

Prepare Your Appliances For Storage When Moving Or Going Out
If you are planning an international move, having peace of mind is of the utmost importance. You might be very attached to certain appliances and do not want to sell them or give them away. And you certainly want them to arrive at the location in one piece. When shipping appliances overseas, get experts to handle the shipping with ease. Since the process can be gruelling and complicated, you do not want to have to do this on your own—and you most likely would not be able to anyway. All the packaging and protecting the equipment is very delicate and time-consuming. On top of that, you need those experts to transport your items and deal with all the paperwork required.

The Bottom Line
The business of moving and storing your appliances is quite an ordeal, but if you have the right people around you, it can be a positive experience. If you prepare your appliances for storage with skilled movers and handle it with plenty of planning, you will be good to go on to your next adventure. Take your time, plan well, and do not do it alone.