We at GoWarranty too talk about challenges such as pollution through our blogs. However, we go a step forward by providing insights and solutions to make the festival season happy and healthy for our customers, viewers, and readers.
Before going ahead, let me stress that pollution is not limited to urban or rural India. It is a crisis that has put the existence of Humankind in question. Though in India, the conversation around pollution, especially air pollution, becomes louder during Diwali.
Awareness about the ill effects of pollution has grown among people, especially due to environmental agencies.
The outbreak of COVID-19 and its follow-up lockdowns and resultant death and chaos due to lack of medical care and infrastructure have forced people to prioritize healthy living by adopting lifestyle changes and technology.
Let us see how you can make life healthy, not just during festivals but all around the year. Though we are limiting this blog to air pollution gadgets. However, if you like us to do a similar blog on other environmental devices, write us or leave a commitment.
There are numerous air purifiers solutions available in the market. The latest device being offered is by IKEA. It comes in an affordable price range between INR 1000 to INR 6000. The gadgets range from simple air sensors to advanced air filters and purifiers. They are ergonomically designed to fit into various types of decor in living and across multiple sections of a home.
Given the level of air pollution around us and the increase in lung-related diseases, who does want to track the air one breathes. You can check the air quality based on particles (PM2.5) at home, offices and pretty much anywhere you live with stylish and easy-to-use Air quality sensors.
IKEA has introduced VINDRIKTNING- air sensors that check the “air quality by detecting particles (PM2.5).” This can help users to know when to take necessary actions to improve air quality. And this at just INR 999. Yes! Below thousand India rupees.

“Poor air quality affects sleep, focus, allergies, and overall well-being.” The general presumption is that outdoor air pollution affects us and not the air we breathe in the space we live in. This is completely wrong. Studies have shown that pollution affects our health whether we are indoor or out in the open.
There is a definite need to monitor the quality of air inside our home and offices. So, how can we fix indoor air quality ?! Well, IKEA has a solution for this too- the FÖRNUFTIG -Air purifier.
According to IKEA, “FÖRNUFTIG air purifier makes it easy for you to improve the quality of your indoor air. The particle filter is optimised to filter away approximately 99.5 per cent of smaller airborne particles such as PM2.5 particles, dust and pollen.” FÖRNUFTIG comes with twin filters that fight against particles and harmful gases. Each of these filters can be purchased separately based on their usage. In addition, the air purifier comes in two colours – black and white. Extended Warranty on your Air Purifier.

FÖRNUFTIG is stylish and lightweight, which can be easily moved from one location to another. And, the cool part is – it can be wall-mounted both vertically and horizontally as per space availability. Thus making it look more like part of home décor than being an eye-soar gadget sticking out. All these within an affordable price – It cost INR 6500.
This explains why this product is a TOP Seller product for IKEA and pretty much out of stock. However, when IKEA has them back on shelves – go grab it! Remember- as the good old saying goes- prevention is better the cure. So, this season invests in the health of your family and yourself.
We at GoWarranty are committed to finding solutions and gadgets that are not just fancy & trendy. As a tech blogging site, our responsibility is to find and introduce products and solutions that can add value to our followers and customers.
So until the next tech review, do your Pranayama Yoga session with the confidence that you are breathing in and breathing out healthy air.